9:00 AM - 6:00 PM
2354 S. Union Ave.
Alliance, Ohio 44601
(330) 821-3128

Our goal is to inform and empower you, to help you gain the knowledge and understanding that will help you take charge of your health and your life.

Over the years, we have found so many eye-opening, educational, and inspiring sources of information.

Our Lending Library contains hundreds of health and wellness references. It's tucked in right between the front counter and our Natural Health and Beauty section, where there's a comfy chair to sit for a spell and read.
Many of the books may be taken out for a loan period of two weeks. Some reference materials must stay in the store; you are welcome to come and study them here.
Please respect the loan period so that we can continue to make these resources available! Thank you!
We're really looking forward to meeting you and sharing our knowlege and enthusiasm with you!